We develop and deliver outcome-focussed safe, sustainable, efficient and assured, engineering solutions for the water, wastewater and industrial sectors.
Our engineering and design team has a successful track record of service delivery across the asset lifecycle, from asset diagnostics and needs verification, feasibility and optioneering through to outline and detailed design, construction, commissioning, and operational support for infrastructure and non-infrastructure assets.
We support the following client drivers:
- Environmental risk reduction
- Sustainability, affordability, and social value
- Regulatory compliance
We support tier 1 and tier 2 customers across the asset lifecycle, providing multidisciplinary engineering and design services, including:
- Environmental, process and design safety
- Process engineering
- Civil engineering and design
- Structural engineering and design
- Mechanical engineering and design
- Electrical engineering and design
- Control and instrumentation engineering and design
- Project engineering
- Design management
Our proactive and reactive infrastructure management goes across your network, from water treatment work outlets to customer taps.
Embedding the key themes

Our teams are experienced in delivering engineering and design services across the asset lifecycle. They are outcome-focused and have the ability to look from left to right, and right to left, developing the optimum solutions and delivering value at each lifecycle phase.
Our Head of Technical Assurance drives consistency in our output. Our systems of work and our approach to technical competency provide delivery assurance and ensure successful outcomes are realised right first time. Our technical assurance delivery framework delivers design solutions that can be built and operated safely, meet the client's requirements and achieve a high level of performance in operation.
Our lifecycle management process ensures that sustainable outcomes are measured, monitored, and realised at every step of the engineering and design process, from the front-end through to delivery.
Our value
Sustainable - We ensure sustainable outcomes are identified, planned, monitored, and realised at every step across the asset delivery lifecycle.
Efficient – Our Engineering and Design team works in close collaboration with our other Asset Management and Commercial service lines. This cross fertilisation of knowledge and the adoption of best practice ensures we deliver successful outcomes efficiently for our clients.
Assured – Our design lifecycle management approach ensures that our people are empowered with knowledge, systems, and processes for right-first-time service delivery.
Engineering process

How we can help
- Conventional safety risk management: CDM principal designer and designer duties, Design risk reviews and assessments, H & S file
- Process safety risk management: HAZOP, LOPA, DSEAR, ALM, HAZCON, FMEA and lightning protection assessments, CompEx surveys
- Suitably qualified and experienced personnel (SQEP) incl: NEBOSH, IOSH, CSCS, EUSR ‘blue card’ water hygiene
- Net Zero: Bioresources, green energy, BAT, carbon lifecycle management
- Resource efficiency: DfMA, Waste minimisation
- Nature Based Solutions: SuDS, Treatment wetlands, biodiversity net gain, natural flood management, natural capital, ecology and environmental monitoring services
- Resilience: Flood risk alleviation; Water resources (Treatment, Optimisation, Leakage)
- Pollution control: Municipal and Industrial wastewater treatment; CSO spills reduction; Bunding and containment
- Optimum solution identification: Client and asset need verification, feasibility and optioneering assessments (6 capital outcomes), site surveys & investigations, asset Standards appraisal, BAT, supply chain intelligence, Totex cost intelligence
- Systems thinking: Integrated catchment solutions, leakage and infiltration risk reduction, DWMP, WRMP, network modelling
- Asset, site, and environmental surveys: Geotechnical, topographical, process flow and load, MEICA, sewer network, clean network, ecology and environmental monitoring
- Design - Infrastructure and non-infrastructure: Process, civil & structural, mechanical & electrical and ICA engineering and design services across clean and wastewater infrastructure and non-infrastructure
- Delivery assurance: Design lifecycle management
- Technical assurance: Technical assurance framework, Design verification, Technical appraisal, Regulatory and standards compliance
- Regulatory compliance: WINEP, Industrial emissions directive, SuDS, Natural capital and Biodiversity net gain
Nature-based solutions
Best practice, sustainable solutions for asset engineering design.

Water infrastructure management and modelling
Providing a complete hydraulic and infrastructure management solution to enhance current and future water network performance.
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